Nippon Life has signed and endorsed various initiatives to fulfill its social responsibilities as a life insurance company and contribute to the creation of a safe, secure and sustainable society.
Equator Principles
In April 2019, we first became a Signatory to the Equator Principles, which are international frameworks that take consideration for the environment and society in terms of project financing and other issues, as an Asian insurance company. In accordance with becoming a Signatory to the Equator Principles, we are undertaking monitoring of compliance after carrying out loans, along with assessments on environmental and social impact in decision-making processes for project financing.
PRI (Principles for Responsible Investment)
We signed PRI in March 2017, as part of our commitment to realizing a sustainable society.
We scored the highest assessment grade "5 stars", in three modules for "Indirect - Listed equity - Active", "Indirect - Fixed income - Active", and "Confidence building measures" in the 2023 PRI assessment targeting 2022 activities.
In addition, we obtained "4 stars" in the remaining two modules for "Policy Governance and Strategy" and "Indirect - Listed equity - Passive".
One of our company's executives is a director of the PRI Board since 2021.
We played the role of lead sponsor for PRI in Person, which was held in Tokyo in October 2023.
This is the first time that an insurance company was selected as the lead sponsor among the world's institutional investors.
United Nations Global Compact
We signed the United Nations Global Compact in 2016. We support the universal principles on human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption advocated by the United Nations, and will promote CSR initiatives for the sustainable growth of society.
Japan Impact-driven Financing Initiative
In January 2023, we signed Japan Impact-driven Financing Initiative, a collaborative initiative of domestic financial institutions with an impact-driven investment and lending.*
Through Nippon Life's signature to Japan Impact-driven Financing Initiative, Nippon Life will share knowledge with other company that support the initiative and will work to spread and expand impact-driven investment and financing, while contributing to the realization of a sustainable society.
The concept of capturing impact and solving environmental and social issues generated by investees.
ESG Disclosure Study Group
In June 2020, we participated in the ESG Disclosure Study Group, which will carry out research related to the disclosure of ESG information.
Principles for Financial Action for the 21st Century (PFA21)
In July 2019, we signed PFA21 advocated by the Ministry of the Environment.
We aim to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society throughout our business activities, and are developing various initiatives in line with these principles of conduct.
In December 2022, we joined Advance, an international initiative with the aim of solving human rights and other social issues through engagement with companies.
Through Nippon Life's membership in Advance, Nippon Life will obtain the latest information on international trends in human rights and other social issues, while strengthening our efforts to consider human rights risks in investees.
Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs)
In 2013, we signed the WEPs, jointly developed by the United Nations Global Compact and the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM; now UN Women).
Approximately 90% of our employees are women, and we actively promote the advancement of women, principled on the recognition that their success has a direct bearing on the sustainable growth of the Company.
In March 2023, we signed CDP, an international NGO that provides companies and investors with a global information disclosure system that manages important environmental information.
As an institutional investor, Nippon Life will promote efforts to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 with the disclosed information and knowledge of CDP.
Climate Action 100+
In July 2022, we joined Climate Action 100+, an international initiative with the aim of solving climate change through engagement with companies that emit a lot of GHG emissions.
Through Nippon Life's membership in CA100+, Nipon Life will work together with domestic and foreign investors and obtain the latest information on trends in international climate change issues, while promoting initiatives that take into account the climate change risks of the companies in which Nippon Life invests.
Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance (NZAOA)
In October 2021, we joined the NZAOA, an international initiative to address climate change.
Through our membership in the NZAOA and by working with alliance members in Japan and global, we will obtain the latest information on scientific analysis related to climate change and GHG measurement methods and so forth that are being discussed in the international community, and will enhance efforts to reduce GHG emissions in our investment portfolio.
One of our company's executives is a member of the Steering Group representing the NZAOA since 2022.
Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials (PCAF)
In March 2022, we joined the PCAF, which is an international initiative to develop GHG emission measurement methods in asset management portfolios.
By joining PCAF, we will work together with financial institutions in Japan and abroad and engage in discussions on formulating GHG emission measurement rules, as it strives to develop sophisticated GHG emission measurement and disclosure methods using the knowledge and data held by PCAF. In these ways, we will implement measures to reduce GHG emissions in the investment portfolio.
Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
In December 2018, the Company endorsed the recommendations of the TCFD, which were established by the Financial Stability Board.
We will contribute to the formation of a sustainable society by enhancing disclosure of items related to climate change such as governance, strategy and risk management, endorsed under the TCFD recommendations, and encouraging our investees to disclose such items as an institutional investor (asset holder).
Japan Hydrogen Association(JH2A)
In May 2022, we joined Japan Hydrogen Association, a cross-industry organization working on social implementation of hydrogen-related technologies.
Through the collection of information on hydrogen technology and financial support at JH2A, Nippon Life will support the efforts of society and companies to realize a hydrogen society that contributes to decarbonization, while aiming to transition to a sustainable society and securing investment returns.